• Question: does the moon taste like cheese?

    Asked by ggd03 to Charlie, Eoin, Jemma, Julian, Steve on 22 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Eoin Lettice

      Eoin Lettice answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      Hi ggd03,
      No not at all. I think before people knew any better, they thought it looked a bit like swiss cheese and that is where that story came from.
      Man went to moon in 1969 and even brought back parts of the moon and it does not taste of cheese!

    • Photo: Stephen Moss

      Stephen Moss answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      Hi ggd03

      I should think it tastes of mud and sand, certainly not cheese.

    • Photo: Julian Rayner

      Julian Rayner answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      Wallace and Grommit say so, so I believe them!

    • Photo: Charlie Ryan

      Charlie Ryan answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      hi ggd03 been watching wallace and gromit huh??!
      i wish it tasted like cheese, but i’m pretty sure astronauts tasted it and it was pretty unsavoury!
      did you know mars is meant to taste like beetroot!
