• Question: what do you think aliens look like?

    Asked by ehab2k11 to Steve, Julian, Jemma, Eoin, Charlie on 22 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Eoin Lettice

      Eoin Lettice answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      Hi ehab2k11,
      Good question.
      I dont think they look like we imagine them in teh movies and on tv. they probably dont have two legs, two arms, head, etc.
      They may just be some slime or bacteria living on a rock in some distant planet.


    • Photo: Julian Rayner

      Julian Rayner answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      Bacteria. They’re my best bet for alien life forms on other planets – they are incredibly adaptable organisms, able to exist in extremes of temperature or acidity or salt. If I had to put money on something being able to survive on another planet, it would be some form of bacteria.

    • Photo: Stephen Moss

      Stephen Moss answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      I like the idea of aliens that look very similar to us, but just different enough that we wouldn’t get mixed up. Like Spock in Star Trek with his pointed ears.

    • Photo: Charlie Ryan

      Charlie Ryan answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      hi ehab again!! Wow how many questions have you asked!!??
      This is a good question! Putting aside the nasty feeling that i think most alien life will probably look like dull bacteria and viruses, i think (and this is a guess obviously!) that alien life will look something similar to us!! Well….not us in particular, but similar to life that has evolved on earth, whether that be a a spider or a hamster. Why?? Well i think that if evolution works here then it will work elsewhere just as well, and alien life will gradually evolve into something that has some passing to resemblence to life on earth!
      This is just speculation though!!
