• Question: What do you think is the most technologically advanced rocket ever produced?

    Asked by kelsh003 to Charlie on 15 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Charlie Ryan

      Charlie Ryan answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      hi kelsh003 it was great talking to you earlier – thanks for the Q’s about rockets and the saturn V.
      I think the most advanced chemical rocket (i.e. one that burnt proplellent to produce massive thrusts) was the Saturn V. Newer rockets have better technology on them, but less different sections (called stages).
      Otherwise i think the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) is pretty cool! and has a great name. It’s like a very advanced ion thruster (a rocket where accelerated ions are thrown out of the exhaust rather than burnt chemicals), and looks awesome. It hasn’t flown yet, but may be used on the international space station.
      Hope that helps!
