• Question: why do people become blind?

    Asked by amar to Steve, Charlie on 22 Mar 2011. This question was also asked by bethanyknight.
    • Photo: Stephen Moss

      Stephen Moss answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Hi Amar

      There are so many reasons, and many different types of cell in the eye that cause blindness if they go wrong or die. The most common types of blindness are caused by cataract, glaucoma and a disease of old age called age-related macular disease (AMD). Cataract is what happens when the lens goes cloudy, making it impossible to see through. The good news is that the cloudy lens can be removed and an artificial one put in its place. However, AMD and glaucoma are caused by two types of cells in the eye dying, and at the moment, although there are treatments that can slow disease, there are no proper cures.

      Then there are many many rare diseases, often inherited, which means the person picked up faulty genes from their parents. Hopefully all these conditions might be treated one day using techniques like gene therapy and stem cells.

    • Photo: Charlie Ryan

      Charlie Ryan answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      sorry amar and bethanyknight i don’t know! I guess there are many rasons why people lose their sight, but stephen im sure can give you a better ansswer!
