• Question: Yo Steve! My brother is training to be an opthalmologist (eye doctor) and my parents are both doctors, they are all really Sciencey and Mathsy people but I've never really enjoyed it. When did you start to love science?? Helena

    Asked by helena1996 to Steve, Jemma on 21 Mar 2011.
    • Photo: Stephen Moss

      Stephen Moss answered on 19 Mar 2011:

      Hi Helena
      Good to hear about your brother, I hope he’s enjoying his ophthalmology. With such a sciency family it might seem surprising that you’re not so keen, and perhaps you’re wondering if you ever will be. I didn’t get really interested in science until after University, as I always wanted to be a musician, but now I just love it, and not just the eye but everything from global warming to quantum mechanics. But if the science bug never gets you don’t worry, it’s probably more important that you support science and think it’s a good thing for society.

    • Photo: Jemma Ransom

      Jemma Ransom answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      I started to love science at University. I didn’t enjoy maths or science at school at all (the lessons were rather dull – not representative at all of what science in the real world is like!) but decided to take a science degree as I thought there weren’t many jobs to be had at the end of a humanities degree. I started to love science however during a summer lab project I did between my 3rd and 4th year at University. I loved being able to desing my own experiments, and draw my own conclusions from my research – I’ve never looked back! I think the important thing is for you to decide what you really enjoy, and then stick at that.
